


Imagine the hall of the old Como spinning mills, full of light. Old tables of solid wood that 3 x 2 meters wide.

The America helmet has its origins from this ancient setting.

The carefully selected ox skin is spread and…. the leather begins to be colored.

At the beginning we pass the gray paint, then the blue, the red and finally the aluminum that gives color to the stars.

The result obtained is a beautiful leather, marked by all the small imperfections due to a careful work done by artisans, totally handmade.

At this point a sort of squeegee impregnated with black paint passes and leaves tiny black carvings in the small peaks.

Now, we have surely given the right depth to our product.


America leather 


We continue to work our product with a pass of transparent protective varnish which then naturally dries to air.

The America leather is now ready to cover and embellish the Casco America of Baruffaldi.

The crafted leather then goes to the Baruffaldi laboratories where it is further processed to redefine the back. The product is then shaved and sanded with great care.

Now the leather has become soft, with a thickness of 0.7 mm, while maintaining the same colors and the same original features.

The hand of an expert craftsman now begins to cut with the classic mode of the 3 cuts or even with the new technique of 6 cuts (segments of 3 or 6 pieces of leather).

The randomness of the colors makes this object truly unique and precious.


The manufacturing then passes to another expert craftsman that begins to sew overlapping the edges of skin. Thanks to this particular sewing technique, water penetration is reduced.

At this point we start to saddle (and not glue) our helmet by stretching the sewn shell and covering it with bare hands until the skin covers the whole helmet.


Now begins the work of the interior and EPS (polystyrene, the real strength of protection of the helmet), each one with its own size.

Then, the holes of the visor and of the support points of the straps are suitably made.

Interior of the helmet


At this point we insert this magnificent interior in the helmet and sew the leather strap on one side and fabric coupled on the other. Ultralight to wear and comfortable to keep tied.


The helmet is produced with interiors of different sizes depending on the desired size and thus allows to offer a perfect balance, keeping the helmet shell and the degree of protection and safety unaltered.



How much does this unique product cost? The question to be asked would be how much a product like this will cost when these precious creations will no longer exist. A helmet of this magnitude is definitely an investment for the future.


 SuperCompetition Mask


We can use the side cut of the leather to have a leather pad for our goggles. The leather pad is cut and sewn in the supercompetition frame.











How many people in the world can offer you such a product?


Vist our shop and start to ride with style with this extraordinary item: