


  • Shipment

When will I receive my order?

The products available on the site are shipped every week, on Tuesdays and Fridays.
The products ordered on request are shipped within 7/10 working days from the date of order.

For customization or special requests that require more time it will announce the customer the time necessary.

Once shipped, delivery takes place on average within 24-72h working in Italy, 3-4 working days within the EU and within 6-7 days for all other destinations.
If you do not receive your order within 15 working days please contact us.

The courier delivers from Monday to Friday, during office hours. You should choose an address where someone is available to receive the order in these times. If you want to receive the order in the office or at a reception, be sure to also specify the name on the doorbell.

What are the shipping costs?

Shipping in Italy at a cost of € 13, while the international shipping is 18 €.
What if I am not at home when the courier passes?
If no one is on delivery, the courier will leave a notice with the information needed to contact him.

In which countries delivered?
We ship to Italy, Europe, USA, Asia, Africa, Australia and all the world.

Can I return the goods?
You have 14 days of delivery of your order to request the return of one or more products and return the package to our warehouse before warning us with an e-mail. If we do not receive any e-mail warning the package it will not be accepted.

  • Returns and Refunds

Can I change the size of a purchased product?
If the size you want is available on our website you can request the size change.

I can return any product, even though I only changed my mind?
You have 14 days of delivery of your order to request the return of one or more products and return the package to our warehouse, whatever the motivation. Remember that the product can be made only if it is exactly the same condition in which you have received, not worn, washed or altered in any way and with all original packaging.
What are the modalities for the return of the products?
You can send your return by courier

Shipping of your return by courier
You have 14 days from delivery of the order to send back your return. The cost of shipping will be charged to you. We remind that the Returns can be shipped only from the country in which you received the order; when shipped from a different country it will be stuck in customs.
We suggest you choose a delivery service guaranteed to be able to trace your shipment at all times.
We will notify you by mail as soon as the returned products will be delivered to our warehouse. After a few days, you need to check the products, we will confirm that it has requested a refund on the payment method that you used when purchasing.

I received a damaged or flawed, what should I do?
If the product you received has a defect of any kind you take a picture and contact us: we will evaluate the defect and we will organize for you the product recall.
We’ll call you in the days to agree on the date and place of delivery of the return to the carrier. After receiving the return we will verify the damage and we will require repayment. Remember that we can not accept items that are not in the same condition in which you received them (worn, altered or further damage). We’ll keep you regularly via email, up to confirm you the place refund.

When will I get a refund?
After receiving the return to our warehouse we will check that all the conditions have been met (the product is identical to how you was delivered, with the original packaging, and it was sent back on schedule described in the previous FAQ, and in legal Terms and Conditions section). This check can take about 3 days. Next, we’ll send you an email to confirm that your return has been accepted and a refund request from our bank. The amount credited will be displayed in your account according to the times of the standard banking procedures.

  • Payment methods

How can I pay for my order?
You can pay with credit cards and rechargeable cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) through PayPal, or by bank transfer.

What will be the currency of the charge?
The price of products and transacted amounts will always be in the local currency of the country of the order shipment.
The prices include VAT.
You can ensure the security of my payment information?
All online payments are done through PayPal which is the only one in possession of your information.